Long work experience in Italy
More than 8 years of work experience in Italy in the best dental clinics and vocational training at CAO - Centro Aggioramento Odontoiatrico.

More than 8 years of work experience in Italy in the best dental clinics and vocational training at CAO - Centro Aggioramento Odontoiatrico.
Dental studio dr. Igor Ivankovic consists of 3 dentist's offices with state-of-the-art equipment by the world renowned manufacturers.
We provide multiannual warranty for our services. We would especially like to emphasize our 10 year dental implant warranty as well as the 5 year warranty for our prosthetic works.
We provide free of charge accommodation in our luxurious apartments, in the vicinity of our dentist's office, to all our patients coming from EU countries.
Dental studio dr. Igor Ivankovic is a modern dental office with state-of-the-art equipment in the city of Zagreb, Croatia.
Long-term experience and numerous satisfied patients are our main motive and reference for the future..
All our future patients get an exceptional service along with free first checkup and consultation.